Here are a few tips to keep your Evie Ring looking new and performing well:
- To prevent scratches, wear your ring on your non-dominant hand.
- Charge your ring daily for 20-30 minutes to prevent your ring battery from completely depleting. If a rechargeable battery is fully depleted repeatedly, its’ overall lifetime decreases.
- Avoid extreme temperatures (below 0C and above 50C).
- Periodically clean the inside of your ring using a damp cloth or with mild dish soap and water. Please dry your Evie Ring thoroughly after exposure to water.
- We recommend removing your Evie Ring when applying products such as lotions, oils, hand sanitizers, or sunscreens. We also recommend avoiding exposure to household cleaners, cleaning wipes, or other cleaning products. In addition, please remove your Evie Ring prior to any personal care treatments, such as a manicure, and avoid exposure to acetone.
- Do not try to pry open the ring. It is designed to flex approx. 5mm but not to be stretched out. This will cause the ring to break. Instead, if your ring feels tight, try it on a different finger (for most of us, our index finger is a bit bigger than our ring and middle fingers).