When you open your Evie app, it will automatically connect with your Evie Ring if your ring is charged to a sufficient battery level.
If your ring is having trouble connecting with the Evie app, please ensure the following:
- Confirm that Bluetooth is turned on in your iPhone settings (Settings -> Bluetooth -> Toggle switch should be on)
- Put your ring in your charger. Confirm the ring’s LEDs are either blinking green.
- Put your iPhone within 3 feet of your ring.
- Put your iPhone on its’ charger.
If the steps above don’t work, here are a few things to try:
- Turn your iPhone’s Bluetooth off then back on (Settings -> Bluetooth -> Toggle Switch Off -> Toggle Switch On)
- Delete the Evie app and re-install it from the Apple App Store.
- Restart your iPhone.
If none of the steps above work, please reach out to the Evie Care Team at support@eviering.com.
To have the best possible experience, the Evie app needs to be connected to the internet. If you lose connection or turn on airplane mode, some of your data may not be shown but it is still saved on your ring. When you reconnect, this data will populate within the app.